5350 Lininger & Mc Elroy Milwaukee, Wisconsin

This extremely rare Hutchinson comes to the gallery from Chris K who graciously allowed me to take a picture of this bottle at the Milwaukee bottle club picnic. Neither bottler is listed in Roger Peters book. I do think there is a Lininger in Krolls beer book. There may be a second that was found at the same time. The bottle is embossed in a proprietary mold "LININGER & McELROY MILWAUKEE." The bottle has no makers mark and features a very crudely applied blob.

As an update, Wayne Kroll does list known bottles from Lininger and from Lininger & Mc Elroy, including bottles manufactured by Chase Valley and Wisconsin Glass. (This would date them as early to mid 1880s). Apparently the joint venture was first, with the bottles embossed Lininger alone coming later.

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