7903? Frank Dengal, Shawano, Wisconsin

Here is another unlisted Frank Dengal Shawano, WI. hutch (Not in Roger Peter's book)! This bottle appears to have an earlier shape with sloping shoulders and a different glass maker. The glass maker's markings are even embossed on the base instead of the heel as with the majority of Wisconsin hutches.
Embossed, "Frank Dengal, Shawano, WIS."
Size-Half Pint
Glass maker-W.F.& S. MIL. "embossed W.F.& S. MIL around a 4 point navigation star on the base of the bottle."
Date-c.1898-1899?-I would guess this to pre-date the c.1900-1902 "S.B.& G.Co." variant in Roger Peter's Book. I think that the navigation star was maybe used from c.1896-1900 for William Franzen & Sons before he changed the Northern Glass Co. outfit into his own. He did use his initials as early as 1896 when the glass making company named Northern Glass Co. However my guess on the date of this variant predating #7904 is only my opinion.